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Agricultural Commodity Advisory

Stock Market Quotes

At Kucrop Analytics, we specialize in trading the US commodity futures markets, providing institutional investors with the tools and expertise to unlock the full potential of their investments. We help institutional clients achieve their investment goals by leveraging our cutting-edge technology and proprietary trading strategies in the field of commodities.


Our market neutral framework is for institutional investors only. It uses a top-down method, beginning with a short- to mid-term fundamental approach, digesting quantitative data, and rounding out with technical analysis.


The spectrum covers 20 commodities in the energy and mainly agricultural sector.

For both of our futures and equity strategy we provide institutional investors with investment advice as well as classic research products.


Commodity Alpha in Futures
Our Flagship Strategy

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Commodity Alpha in Equities

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Pricing of our Research Products


Trial Period

2 Months Trial Period



institutional investors can test both research products for a limited time period and receive the full amount of our research suite

Yearly Subscription

10.700 USD*



*excluding VAT, price for one research product

Quarterly Subscription

3.000 USD*



*excluding VAT, price for one research product

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Investment advice according to section 2 para. 2 no. 4 German Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) and investment brokerage according to section 2 para. 2 no. 3 German Banking Act shall be made on behalf of, in the name of, for the account and under the liability of the responsible legal entity BN & Partners Capital AG, Steinstraße 33, 50374 Erftstadt, according to section 3 para. 2 WpIG. BN & Partners Capital AG has a corresponding license from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with section 15 WpIG for the prenamed investment services.

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Investment advice according to section 2 para. 2 no. 4 German Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) and investment brokerage according to section 2 para. 2 no. 3 German Banking Act shall be made on behalf of, in the name of, for the account and under the liability of the responsible legal entity BN & Partners Capital AG, Steinstraße 33, 50374 Erftstadt, according to section 3 para. 2 WpIG. BN & Partners Capital AG has a corresponding license from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with section 15 WpIG for the prenamed investment services.

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